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When I first took photos of stickers, I did not imagine they would serve a purpose other than being a random photo I took when walking out and about. But when I would see them more frequently, it became a new trend for me to photograph, knowing that when I see them, they would most likely never to be seen again.
At the time, I initially considered these stickers, like most people, a form of vandalism on property, but the more I observe, I take note on the different varieties ranging from logos, messages and illustrations. Many of the stickers I took came from different countries such as the USA, UK, Switzerland, Ireland, France, Mexico, Italy, SriLanka and Qatar. All of them possess designs and opinions that reflect something happening in their own land or abroad. Whilst many of these countries allow the freedom to share their views and opinions to all, some are stricter with a different cultural view, hence why stickers are rare to find due to the risks of encouraging vandalism resulting in severe consequences or sharing a statement that could be interpreted as an insult or disrespect.
After I continued taking more photos of stickers, I have considered them as a form of outside art that revolves around artists, whether it's one living locally who wants to show their art to promote themselves or a famous one who travels to different places and leaves a unique identity that lets people know that it is made by the artist(s).
Stickers have a large role as they serve multiple purposes. They can be used as a visual way of communicating with others by placing stickers on one spot followed by more stickers. They can be a useful tool by others to promote their works, talents or businesses, or spreading a message or quote whether negative or inspirational to brighten someone's day. Stickers can be especially valuable in politics in order to promote campaigns or to various groups that are aiming to spread their views to the public.
Stickers in all are a divisive topic in terms of their purpose. It is a simple piece of paper with adhesive that can be placed anywhere imaginable to provide colour on something dull or be a continuous menace on the streets promoting mischief. I have decided to carry on documenting them as random photos on the streets with no clear motive.

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