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This is my first digital painting using custom brushes to accurately imitate cat fur and also using the smudge tool to create textures of the cat's multiple colour tones.


I learnt these tricks from the "Masters Collection: Volume 1 - Digital Painting Techniques" book published by Focal Press.


The book provided me with a guide on how to create a custom brush using images, to which I followed step by step and made multiple versions for my project.


My inspiration behind this work comes from my experiences as a photographer traveling to new countries, as I explore new things I wouldn't find anywhere else in the world.

(Cat, May 2021)

The cat on this painting originated from a trip I went to Istanbul, Turkey where stray cats are commonly seen roaming freely around the city and are even treated kindly by the locals who provide them food and shelter.


During my time in Istanbul, the cats would be one of the few things I repeatedly photographed, knowing too well that there would always be a cat laying around wherever I go.


Eventually, one out of many cats photos I took would end up becoming my reference to create this digital painting.

Istanbul cats gallery

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