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Here and Now

LQ Here and Now Final.jpg

 The inspiration behind this project first came from a Nintendo video game I once used to play called Splatoon, a shooter game revolving around characters called Inklings who take part in matches with two teams of 4 people and fight their way to claim as much turf as they can. I have long since abandoned the game but during the time when I used to play it, I have developed some original characters where I chose their looks and gave them personalities. 


The setting of the room is completely inspired from a short animation of a girl studying called "Lofi Girl". The animation itself is actually part of a Youtube video featuring the animation and some relaxing music playing 24/7 on a loop. When I first saw the studying girl animation, that's when it hit me that the setting is perfect for the topic of Here and Now, soon followed by the idea of my original characters I created from Splatoon. What ended up being created is an Inkling based on my original character working at home taking place in the universe of Splatoon. 

 The inspiration behind this project first came from a Nintendo video game I once used to play called Splatoon, a shooter game revolving around characters called Inklings who take part in matches with two teams of 4 people and fight their way to claim as much turf as they can. I have long since abandoned the game but during the time when I used to play it, I have developed some original characters where I chose their looks and gave them personalities. 


The setting of the room is completely inspired from a short animation of a girl studying called "Lofi Girl". The animation itself is actually part of a Youtube video featuring the animation and some relaxing music playing 24/7 on a loop. When I first saw the studying girl animation, that's when it hit me that the setting is perfect for the topic of Here and Now, soon followed by the idea of my original characters I created from Splatoon. What ended up being created is an Inkling based on my original character working at home taking place in the universe of Splatoon. 

The figurines are based on the real characters from the Splatoon video game. I worked on the figurines separately before adding them into the artwork appearing as background objects on the character's desk.



Mind maps

For my mind map of Here and Now, I had come up with a couple of words to explain the meaning behind it.


I first wrote "Progress" and explained how in the last couple of months, I made a major effort on my projects by improving the designs making them better with the help of new skills that I acquired from resources and tools I have come to familiarise with.


For "Learning" before I even started with the projects, I had expressed the interest in learning how to create artwork by artists on the internet, but I did not have the experience and resources to try it out. It would not be long until I finally got my first hand experience with Photoshop where I slowly got to learn the basics before quickly getting the hang of it almost instantly.

As for "Determination", it mostly consist on my mindset where I would struggle or think of negative thoughts but then manage to fight my way through by setting goals and accomplishing what was once a challenge now an achievement.


During the pandemic last year, I spent most of my time stuck indoors. It was not until I discovered about the gym in our apartment block that I immediately joined in. At the time, I thought I was only working out temporarily but I have now go there almost every day from there on. Not only did my time at the gym help me with staying fit, it provided me with a great sense of happiness by doing things I thought I cannot do but by pressing on I eventually managed to beat the challenges at ease.


For "Ideas", it all comes from the many art pieces I have created over the years on paper that I now wanted to transfer on newer mediums. In other cases, I would also make doodles when a new idea pops in my head. If I were to redraw the same object again on other doodles, It would peak my interest in actually creating it in another form of media.

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